Re Jeremy Corbyn kissing the Queen's hand, I was wondering whether privy councillors will have to kiss Charles' hand when he becomes king.?

2015-09-20 9:43 am

回答 (12)

2015-09-20 2:58 pm
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the kissing of hands, is a ridiculous ritual that has no place in a modern society. if Charles is to be a good king, he should rid the monarchy of such archaic practises.
2015-09-20 6:26 pm
No, it is only upon first appointment to the Privy Council.
2015-09-21 9:26 am
Existing ones won't. As you correctly say it is kissing of hands.
Please ignore the nasty-minded bigots with their homophobic 'humor'.
2015-09-21 1:20 pm
No requirement to kiss the hand of the Monarch.
2015-09-20 10:01 am
Yes but, only with the approval of Michael Fawcett and the select few will be able to kiss his ring.
Edit....five Ts D? What for? What?....WHAT?
2015-09-25 6:52 pm
No one person ever can kiss the queens hand. Why do you think she wears gloved at any function. She wears gloves at banquets even, but removes them to eat.
2015-09-21 8:22 am
That would only leave him with one hand.
2015-09-20 11:07 am
Yes, but charles may choose to change that part of the ceremony.
2015-09-21 1:16 am
"Kiss hands" is the phrase used but it is not actually done.
2015-09-20 10:05 pm
Unless he changes the ritual, yes. It's not a gender-based thing; it has been the norm for centuries of male monarchs.
2015-09-20 3:09 pm
Somehow, I don't think Charles will go for that.
2015-09-20 5:30 pm
It depends. Charles might do away with some of the old practices, like the kissing of the ring.

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