end up + v-ing?

2015-09-20 2:29 am
Children end up using violence to solve problem not because of one single cause, but because of a merger of factor.

end up 是 verb 嗎? (vt./vi.)?
using violence to solve problem 係 object 還是 complement?

回答 (1)

2015-09-20 7:22 am
Children ended up using violence to solve problem not because of one single cause, but because of a merger of factors. (using ...是分詞片語,當述部的「修飾語」)
= Children ended up by using violence to solve problem ....(by using ...是介系詞片語,也是述部的「修飾語」;using ...是介系詞by的「受詞」,屬動名詞性質)
= 孩子們結果以暴力解決了問題....(他們原來沒有要用暴力的意思)
end up = vi + adv.

He ended up (by) winning a victory. = 他最後獲得了勝利。(他原來以為不可能獲勝的)
He ended up (by) not winning a victory.=他最後並未獲得勝利。(他原來以為不會失敗的)
參考: 遠束《新世紀英漢辭典》p.456 end up例句3 If you end up doing something, you do that thing though you did not originally intend to. (see p.507 Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners) 即你本來沒有那個意思,但最後還是那樣做了。

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