US citizen living as permanent resident in Canada tax question.?

2015-09-20 1:08 am
I will be be working soon , not making much probably between$ 25-$30k
I was wondering if anyone who is a US citizen working in Canada as a permanent resident has filed their taxes?
What taxes do you pay into for the US?
Is their a percentage you pay of your total income?
Would love to know so i dont get burned and work for almost nothing.

回答 (3)

2015-09-20 2:01 am
You have to file the 1040 long form. You can deduct all your Canadian Income Tax from your US Tax which should result in you owing nothing to the IRS. Just be sure to file each year.
2015-09-20 1:22 am
You are required to file a tax return. Thanks to the $100,800 income tax exclusion, you will not owe any taxes. Read more in the link:
2015-09-20 3:18 am
You file your tax forms.
You First pay taxes to Canada and the province you are in. Because of tax treaties between the USA and Canada you are given credit for this for any taxes you might owe in the USA. In most cases you will not owe anything for your USA taxes.
JUST FILE YOUR FORMS with the IRS and send your income tax to Ottawa

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:19:12
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