
2015-09-19 3:47 pm

回答 (2)

2015-10-23 1:24 pm
2015-09-19 3:48 pm
dea in depth
How culture can help a city rebuild after tragedy
Curator Rainey Tisdale shares three ways in which cities can use culture to foster resiliency after even the worst tragedy.
Gallery: Gorgeous networks that help us understand the world
Designer and data visualization expert Manuel Lima has been watching with interest as the network has emerged as a powerful way to visualize many of the things going on in the world around us. Here, he shares some of his favorite graphics.
Idea in depth
How to watch a presidential debate (or win it): Tips from Amy Cuddy
Amy Cuddy’s research examines how we can understand others through body language. As the U.S. swings into the 2016 election season, here are four key insights on how to judge candidates during a presidential debate. (And one tip on how to win it.)
How stories of personal experience help drive change
Aspen Baker explains why the key to dealing with sensitive issues like abortion is to allow those with direct experience to feel heard.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 06:48:25
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