Pumpkins are widely grown for commercial use, & are used both in food & recreation.WHAT VITAMINS IT CONTAINS?IS IT REALLY USEFUL FOR HEALTH?

2015-09-19 10:33 am

回答 (3)

2015-09-19 11:08 am
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Pumpkins are grown both for commercial use to be turned into foods including use as a vegetable. a filler and for baked goods. There are many varieties of pumpkins with have different textures and sizes. Pumpkins are also grown on farms and at homes to be used decoratively on certain holidays. Pumpkins have also been know to be used as animal fodder. Pumpkins, like most red and orange vegetables are high in Vitamin A and contain some vitamin C along with helpful minerals and fiber. For a complete breakdown of the nutritive value of pumpkins, do simply Google "Pumpkins Nutrition" or do an internet search.
2015-09-19 3:29 pm
2015-09-19 4:53 pm
all the same nutrients as carrots!! It is a yellow fruit/vegetable!

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