How compatible would a Pisces female and a Gemini male be?

2015-09-19 4:06 am

回答 (17)

2015-09-19 8:22 am
don't think it compatible but love it about compromising and understanding
Gemini words might hurt a Pisces

emoapple here
2015-09-19 4:16 am
I don't want to burst your bubble but horoscopes don't determine the success of relationships.
2015-09-19 5:47 am
Defrancesca or Bubbles?
2015-09-19 5:43 am
feelsorryforheragain! #out2

love rainbow Doritos
2015-09-19 4:33 am
redvelevet is exactly right. They are just people who get paid to make up paragraphs that work for the most people possible. Anyone who thinks what time of year they are born has a special effect on their personality or life is an idiot.
2015-09-25 10:35 pm
They are not compatible, this relationship is more about conveince than love. It does take a lot of understanding and compromise for it to last. Gemini will lack the emotional depth that a Pisces needs. It is possible for success, but the road to it will be very rough.
參考: Pisces Mermaid
2015-09-19 8:01 am
Not well
2015-09-20 12:18 am
this is not a good match, I know from experience
2015-09-19 12:56 pm

Taca WHAT?
2015-09-19 12:06 pm
Your relationship will only ever be as good as you and your chosen other wish to make it. Ignore the nonsense of astrology, make your own life choices and be much better off for it.

See astrology for the clap-trap that it is.
2015-09-19 11:36 am
Not compatible
2015-09-29 5:23 pm
They seem alright. I know a pisces girl dating a gemini guy and they seem to be alright.
2015-09-20 3:51 am
They can be compatible unless one of them gets hurt at the end.
2015-09-19 4:24 pm
Oh they are twins! Two fishes and twins. It all depends on their Venus and Mars and overall chart. They have to decide how compat they are! It takes compromise and work to make a relationship. They can get a synastry chart and work from there.
2015-09-19 6:14 am

Love you!

2015-09-19 5:51 am
Defrancesca [chg"f.,..g] gorgeous!

just be there for her in CASE!

2015-09-19 5:16 am
quiescently No!

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