my former teacher kissed me?

2015-09-19 2:06 am
i had one teacher for 3 years of high school, and during my last year, we became closer, and talked about stuff other than school work. the college I'm attending is his alma mater. a few weeks ago, i emailed him about something and in his response, he told me where his seats are at our football stadium and to come visit him. yesterday, at the game, i went to see him. when he saw me, he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. we talked for about 15 minutes and then i left. he hugged me again and told me to visit him again at another game. is it possible he likes me? the kiss on the cheek really surprised me

回答 (4)

2015-09-19 2:54 am
Ask him for a hug. During the hug press your belly against his belly. If you feel a sausage grow in his pants, he likes you and wants to do more than just kiss you.
2015-09-19 2:12 am
he may do ---- if you are interested and you are over the age of consent there is nothing stopping you from having a romantic relationship with him ---- you are no longer at the same school so there are no barriers
its not being fatherly its showing affection romantic affection
2015-09-19 2:08 am
No, he's being friendly and, dare I say it, fatherly. He's not your teacher anymore, friendships are allowed.
2015-09-19 2:07 am
yes he does lol.

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