My friend's neighbour treat their dog badly. What should I do?

2015-09-18 7:04 pm
So basically this is what my friend told me.
Her neighbours have a large dog which is tied up in the backyard with only dirty water and looks sad.

So what should I do? (and yes my friend's mum called the RSPCA but they didn't do anything apparently which I find that a bit odd).

@4HERLIFE it's been like this for almost a year and the dog is starting to look thin (you can most of it's ribs). When she said the RSPCA they didn't do anything she meant they said they were to busy and to much to sort out and then hung up). (Also I now know what she said is true as I went round her house the other day and saw through my friends window to the neighbours garden). It's Tied to a tree No shelter Dirty Water Only like one Handful of food


Source: We are both studying animal management (different levels) at college. We both know this isn't following the 5 welfare needs

回答 (5)

2015-09-18 7:12 pm
Keep calling. Get pictures of the dog tied out, dirty water and any other neglect or abuse you can see. If they don't respond take it to your local news station.
2015-09-18 7:11 pm
This is only *hearsay* you don't know that the dog is left like this 24/7 and the RSPCA has already been notified and hopefully investigated. If the dog has adequate food, water, and shelter then butt out and leave it alone.
2015-09-18 8:42 pm
Mind your own business. Without concrete proof in the form of photos/videos, date/time stamped, witnesses with the same evidence willing to come forward, you don't have a case and the RSPCA will not do anything either until they obtain a court order to enter the premises, and have the same proof.
2015-09-18 7:21 pm
Get pictures and call the police. If they find the dog to be neglected they will call the RSPCA
2015-09-18 7:05 pm
steal it in the middle of the night and take it to a no kill shelter

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