After giving birth, when is it okay to go to a concert?

2015-09-18 2:43 pm
My baby boy will be here on October 31st, and my partner and I have tickets already to go see our favorite band which is on November 21st. We never do anything besides go to concerts, never really had a social life outside of them. I know with our precious boy coming, we have a lot to give up but we are hoping going to a concert once in a while doesn't have to be one of them. The concert starts at 7 PM and will most likely last 3-4 hours at most. There's also a chance my baby boy will be here sooner than the 31st because I have gestational diabetes and he is a big boy, I just have a feeling he will make his arrival early :)

回答 (4)

2015-09-18 6:50 pm
No reason you cannot go. It's OK to go whenever YOU feel like it's OK.
2015-09-18 4:30 pm
Aslong as you are feeling ok to go out and your baby has a trust worthy baby sitter then you should be fine to go out and enjoy yourself
2015-09-18 4:27 pm
Just make sure you have a babysitter. And freeze some milk if you breastfeed and bring a travel pump to relieve the pressure during the concert.
2015-09-18 3:48 pm
You'll be able to go. Line up a good babysitter.

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