用英國GCE ALevel result 報讀香港的大學可以點搞?

2015-09-18 2:41 pm
我result 係 Maths:B , Futher Maths: D, Computing E. Ielts: 6

1. 我想讀SPORT既科
2.讀sport 要咩野要求
4.Non-jupas 點報?

回答 (3)

2015-09-24 10:23 pm
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. 我想讀SPORT既科
>> 我assume 你係講緊sport science, CU有sports science/pe:
>> http://www.spe.cuhk.edu.hk/en-us/home.aspx
>> 而hku 有exercise and health:
>> http://www.ihp.hku.hk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=90&Itemid=206
>> BU 都有得讀:
>> http://pe.hkbu.edu.hk/eng/
>> 所以其實你睇上去hk 既大學度搵sport science 就應該可以搵到杷應既科了.

2.讀sport 要咩野要求
>> 間間大學要求唔一樣, 當你上到去佢地個網度果時, 佢亦會有講問要咩grade 既. 但given 你係B/D/E 既話, 可以需要retake. 而英文亦係一樣, 因為一般ielts 要7分以上.

>> 咁當然係3大啦, 但係同樣地, 係需要retake 番個AS 既, 雖然呢一科係HK 唔係熱門, 但係大學對收生都會有一定既要求, 而同時你既果3科有2科係數, 咁可能唔係太好, 因為variety 唔夠多.

4.Non-jupas 點報?

>> 一般都係網上apply, non jupas 已經可以開始apply 了, 你要附上你既申請表, predicted grades, 成績, 老師reference letter, 同埋你既personal statement

>> 最好愈快愈好. non jupas 一般1月就deadline, 而網上既application 係有個限期既, 你一開左個application 就係要一定既時間入面填好. 所以而家已經可以開始填了.


>> 大學好多時都係睇成績先, 所以retake 係必須既, 而亦要睇下有冇必要多考一科, 而同時亦要retake ielts. 當然啦, 如果你係想個personal statement 好少少, 你係可以做work experience, 係同果科有關既, 咁就可以令到個personal statement 靚d了.

希望幫到2丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2015-09-18 4:05 pm
1. Is this a question?

2. 2 Languages (Chinese and English) and 2 GCE A-level.

3. If I am correct, only CUHK is the only university in Hong Kong offering sport related majors.

4. Check with the universities' websites.

5. Now.

6. Not in your case. Based on your GCE A-level result, you have an extremely high chance of denial.
2015-09-18 3:09 pm

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