How can the American Government be over a million dollars in debt? Considering they are the GOVERNMENT can't they LITERALLY MAKE Money?

2015-09-18 4:57 am
And if they can make NEW $100, $20 , $5 bills, then they should be able to MAKE NEW & more thousands/millions of dollars, so they can pay their debt. And if they are ONLY using their ability to literally MAKE the money just to pay their debts, I wouldn't look at it as "cheating."

回答 (6)

2015-09-18 5:10 am
Million? Its over 18 trillion.

The fact you said million tells me you are so clueless that its not even worth commenting further.
2015-09-18 6:15 am
If your checking account is in the negative by $234 you CANNOT write another check on the same account to pay off debt one and be at zero. The second check would put you back at $234 in the negative.

Theoretically the Federal government should have a balanced budget: expenditures cannot exceed the income tax collected in that year.

The government makes money every time they write a check with no money in the bank account. [<cash for clunkers, $8000 to buy a house, all of the tax credits for going to college + interest write-off credits, etc.] It would be counterfeit, but it is backed by the full faith and promise of the United States government.

You (make, or "print") money when you have $100 cash in your pocket, but use your cc to buy the $100 item because you can go to another store and spend that other $100 ( i e the cash). But eventually you must pay back th $100 you borrowed. However, the government has a bottomless credit card.
參考: College economic courses. Take some.
2015-09-18 5:16 am
the fact that the Treasury dept can print currency has little to do with the value of money...........if you are really interested, then do some research online
2015-09-19 7:54 am
The banks and federal reserve, not the government, determines the money supply.
2015-09-18 6:29 pm
If a government just prints a bunch of money, it becomes close to worthless - you'd need a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread. A few countries have tried it over the years, and it's been a disaster. Money only has value if there are things to buy with it. basic economics
2015-09-18 5:40 am
That was the approach that the Confederacy and the Wiemar Republic tried. I see you are unfamiliar with the concept of inflation, which is something you should Google.

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