How do you feel about Donald Trump as your president?

2015-09-18 2:11 am

回答 (17)

2015-09-18 2:15 am
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Let's see what Trump really advocates in his own words.

Donald Trump favors Single-Payer Healthcare:
“As far as single payer, it works in Canada, it works incredibly well in Scotland.”
"We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing."
"I really say: What's the purpose of a country if you're not going to have defensive and health care?"
"I believe in universal health care."

Donald Trump is pro-choice:
"Look, I’m very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject, but you still — I just believe in choice. Again, it might have a little to due with a New York background, because there are some different attitudes in different parts of the country … but again, I am strongly for choice, and yet I hate the concept of abortion. I am pro-choice in every respect, but I just hate it."

Donald Trump on gun control:
"I mean, what we have now with guns is not that I'm a big fan at all."
"I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."
"Look, there's nothing I [would] like better than nobody has [firearms], but that's not going to happen, Larry. "

Donald Trump on his party:
"I probably identify more as a Democrat."
"I'm somewhat liberal on social issues, especially health care, et cetera"
"I've actually been an activist Democrat and Republican. I support almost equally"
"I'm quite liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things."

Donald Trump on Religion:
"When I drink my little wine — which is about the only wine I drink — and have my little cracker [...]"
[asked how often he goes to church]
"Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. Always when there’s a major occasion"

Donald Trump on same-sex marriage:
"there can be no discrimination against gays [...]"

Donald Trump is anti-trade like a Democrat:
"And the reason NAFTA looks OK now is because the economy is strong, but when the economy is not strong, which, unfortunately, will at some point happen, NAFTA is going to look like a disaster."
"I believe in free trade, but, at the same time, it's got to be fair trade. "
[Fair trade of course is the modern euphemism for protectionism]

Donald Trump on alcohol:
"Why is it that everybody is suing the tobacco companies and nobody sues the alcohol companies."

Donald Trump is a wealth redistributor:
"I would impose a one-time, 14.25 percent tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth over $ 10 million."

Now the observant among you might be noticing, hey, I've read the opposite on some of those? And you would be right, because like every other politician, Trump has a tendency to say what the audience in front of him wants to hear. Trump has been known to contradict himself within the same sentence.

So much for this guy being the non-politician.
2015-09-18 2:12 am
If he can do 10% of what he promises then he would be worlds better than what we have.
2015-09-18 2:12 am
Real change.
2015-09-18 2:11 am
2015-09-18 11:56 pm
He will never be my president...Thank God. I'm not an American.....Thank God.
2015-09-18 3:31 am
He sucks. I sure don't want to look at that prune lip fool for four years.
2015-09-18 2:37 am
It'll be entertaining...for about five minutes.
2015-09-18 2:20 am
I'm black so i dont really care. they all are racist anyways because they're just ugly devils to me.
2015-09-18 2:16 am
I can't wait to see how he does all the things he claims, especially because he thinks he will be the best at everything. Maybe when quoting the bible he should pay more attention to Pride Cometh before a Fall.
2015-09-18 2:16 am
It will be a sad day when that happens.
2015-09-18 2:14 am
He wont win, but it is refreshing.
2015-09-18 2:13 am
Good, I'am tired of PC.
2015-09-18 2:12 am
I'd say if that happens it's time to join a local survivalist group
2016-09-24 4:15 am
Donald trump supporters remind me of George W Bush supporters.How did that work out when he was elected?The country went down the tubes
2015-09-18 6:35 pm
No possibility. Wait until the Dems have made a public appearance. There are 6 of them.
2015-09-18 2:14 am
Sorry, Kev, but I don't do how do you FEEL questions. Now, if you were to ask me what I THINK...
2015-09-18 2:14 am
Time will tell how I feel.

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