I feel like no girls will like me. I feel ugly in a way. :/?

2015-09-17 6:42 am

回答 (8)

2015-09-17 6:45 am
Good news, women are extremely shallow, as long as you have lots of money, they'll do whatever you want.
參考: Hugh Hefner
2015-09-17 12:33 pm
Give independent girls a chance!
2015-09-17 7:03 am
Aww don't worry sweetie! I'm sure you're not ugly! Ignore anyone who says you're ugly. They're just bloody sad losers who have nothing better to do than put you down. Physical appearance shouldn't matter in a relationship. It should be based on whether you have a good heart or not. I've had numerous guys call me cute, pretty and hot, but not one has asked me out (but that's not because I don't have a good heart haha!). I guess these guys only want me as a friend and nothing more. Or it could be that they didn't feel ready for a relationship. It could be that the girls you know don't feel ready for a relationship yet or just see you as a friend for now. You'll get your turn, there's someone for everyone! Good luck!

Mikeila xoxo <3
2015-09-17 7:02 am
Every single person on Earth carries a fear that if people knew me the way I know men that no one would like me or love me. We all know the worst about ourselves and we tend to be our worst critic
2015-09-17 6:55 am
Not to be a stickler....but that isnt a question....
2015-09-17 6:53 am
You need to STOP " feeling " so Much, & START Thinking More ! Because "feelings" have NO lasting Reflection in the REAL World. While THOUGHTs of DOING Things with Your Life- are what will ATTRACT Girls to Your future !! :)
2015-09-17 6:46 am
We like someone who has confidence in themselves. (Just don't be cocky.)

Just remember, there is someone out there for everybody :) Be happy with yourself & let it shine through. Someone will see that, & see everything that is wonderful about you!!

Smile when you walk by & make an effort to get to know somebody so they know they can approach you
2015-09-17 6:44 am
Go to Salvation Army and buy an 80's jogging jacket and jogging pants. Get a headband and put it around your forehead. Go to your local grocery store and stick a cucumber down your pants. Stick your chest out and walk around like a macho man. Develop this attitude that your poop doesn't stink. Women want a man that has some self confidence, a man that looks like a leader.

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