Im a woman and hair is growing out of my lips.Is this normal??

2015-09-16 9:38 pm

回答 (3)

2015-09-16 10:35 pm
If it is around your lips, then no. If it is actually coming out of your lips I would see a doctor.
2015-09-16 10:16 pm
On your lips? Or upper lip?

Upper lip hair is normal and common. Pretty much every girl I know has upper lip hair in varying amounts - it can be blond, brown, or black - it usually isn't coarse but if it is dark, it can look thick. It can grow right up to the edge of the lip. All woman, just like men, pretty much have hair growing everywhere. On woman with dark hair, it can be viewed more easily.

If it is very thick, dark, and coarse it could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance like PCOS.
2015-09-16 9:56 pm
Most likely you have PCOS...speak to your gynecologist.

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