What are some good songs from Bathory? And what are some good bands similar to them?

2015-09-16 5:14 pm
Primarily, I'm into prog metal and thrash metal. Then I found out about Bathory and heard a couple of songs from them, "The Lake" and "One Rode to Asa Bay". BOTH of them just blew me away (especially the vocals of "The Lake"). I was wondering if anyone could suggest me some other tracks from them and similar bands. It's not easy to find music as good as this these days.

回答 (2)

2015-09-16 7:43 pm
Bathroy is a decent band you are right if you want more by them check out their eariler stuff from when they first formed. Thrash metal to me has always been good to practice my skills on both bass and drums. Thrash metal unfortunately is not what it used to be, what made it the category it was. Before it got all commercialized. But hey we sill have the stalwarts that started the category
2015-09-16 5:30 pm
"Hammerheart" is a great album -- I was a bit wary of exploring black metal at first, but I enjoyed this one so much that I decided to delve into the Scandinavian scene. "Baptised in Fire and Ice" is my favorite.

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