
2015-09-16 8:22 am
1. 沉迷於電玩也許會導致不良的後遺症

2. 毒品對我們的腦子造成損害

3. 他們發動絕食以抗議核能電廠之建造

4. 我們對考試作弊的學生要嚴厲

5. 我們要取締非法停車




回答 (2)

2015-09-16 1:26 pm
1. addicted to video games may lead to adverse sequelae

2. drugs cause damage to our brains

3. they launched a hunger strike to protest against the construction of nuclear power plants

4. Our students cheating in exams to crack

5. We want to clamp down on illegal parking

Drug abuse is recognized as a growing problem in society. Drugs, especially amphetamines, is growing at a rapid rate spread on campus. This caused serious concern of parents and education authorities. Drugs often endanger the health and brain.

The following suggestions may help fight drug benefit. First, we should initiate a large number of public education activities; the government should be published anti-drug public service ads through newspapers and media. Secondly, we should make prevention education lesson plans into practice. Parents and teachers should let children know the harmful effects of drugs. Third, we should use tough attitude towards drug users and drug traffickers.

We have both of them to be banned. These guilty of drug offenses must sentenced to long prison terms. Only by doing so can we fight against drugs, and the drug abusers into productive. Upright citizens.
2015-09-19 6:12 am
1.Addicted to video games may lead to adverse sequelae.

2.Drugs cause damage to our brains.

3.They launched a hunger strike to protest against the construction of nuclear power plants.

4.We should treat severely students cheating in exams.

5.We must clamp down on illegal parking.

Drug abuse is recognized as a growing problem in society.Drugs, especially amphetamines, is growing at a rapid rate spread on campus.
This caused serious concern of parents and education authorities.Drugs often endanger the health and brain.

The following suggestions may help fight drug.First, we should initiate a large number of public education activities.Government should through the newspapers and the media published anti-drug public service ads.Secondly, we should make prevention education lesson plans into practice.Parents and teachers should let children know the harmful effects of drugs.Third, we should treat drug addicts and drug dealers with a tough attitude.

We must ban both of them.These guilty of drug offenses must be sentenced to long prison terms.Only in this way, we can fight against drugs,and make drug abusers into productive,upright citizens.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 00:19:11
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