What's a good job for a stay at home mom?

2015-09-16 4:37 am
I want to stay home with my kids and my husband works. What is a good job or career while I stay home and raise y children? Something that would bring a little more money.

回答 (3)

2015-09-16 8:35 am
in home day care for other families
2015-09-16 5:34 am
there is very, very little that you can do from home as far as "employment"...............the suggestion of child care is ridiculous !!! you already have your own children + you would need to get licensed, take a CPR ( and possibly other ) classes, have the home inspected, and so on.............the only choices are: fill out surveys that pay pennies each or sell on ebay
2015-09-16 4:41 am
Child care.
Depends entirely on thousands of unknowns.
Get library card and spend some months year reading learning about the process of being self-employed locally.
Here u months from"earning" money.
Books on how to budget will make money last longer
參考: Employer of uninformed

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:15:12
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