What is the Lesser Jihad? (RE)?

2015-09-15 8:08 pm

回答 (3)

2015-09-15 8:43 pm
So, I Love Islam, what IS the true definition? Don't tell us what the false definition is. You're trying to educate us, right?

We're still waiting to be enlightened, ILI.

Still waiting......
2015-09-15 10:23 pm
The lesser Jihad is to fight in the way of Allah SWT in defense of Islam when the Muslims are under attack.

The greater Jihad is the struggle/ fight against yourself, in the way of Allah e.g. persevering through fasting although your body wants to eat, or like pushing yourself to memorize a Surah instead of just play games on desire/ impulse.

Even getting up for Fajr in the morning can be greater Jihad. My brain wants to stay asleep, just shut the alarm up and sleep, but striving to ignore the Shaytaan and get up to make wudu and pray Fajr or even tajjuhud.
2015-09-15 10:10 pm
Sal;am The lesser jihad is jihad not directly maintaining Islam the religion of Allah such as eking out halal income for the family,giving birth etc

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