Poll: Cats or Dogs?

2015-09-15 2:26 pm

回答 (10)

2015-09-15 2:28 pm
Dogs (:
2015-09-15 2:27 pm
Dogs :)
2015-09-15 2:55 pm
Dogs!!!! Dogs are friendly, lovable, and spend all their free time with you.
Cats are stubborn, don't care about owners and only wants food.

2015-09-15 2:28 pm
Dogs....but cats aren't too far behind.
2015-09-15 4:51 pm
I like them both. I have 3 cats.
Previously had a dog.

Did you know- If you have a cat litter tray in your home, somehow kills of brain cells. Been proven that in schools- those that have house cats are a lot lower grader than ones who haven't. Don't know how accurate this is however.
2015-09-15 2:42 pm
2015-09-15 2:28 pm
Cats, obviously.
2015-09-15 2:27 pm
Definitely cats
2015-09-15 2:26 pm
2015-09-15 2:27 pm
Poll: Cats or Dogs? Get steel stove in Russia.
According to Orthodoxy, if a dog is present in house or church, then the Holy Spirit will leave.
Cats catch mice.
But one could receive 666 because of cats.
So, stay away from both cats and dogs. Generally, dogs stay in the barn or dog house; as long as they're outside your home. Forgive me.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:13:35
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