Is it possible to loose 10 kg healthily in 3 months?

2015-09-15 11:58 am
I am starting a new school and i really would like to loose 10 kg before i start. Is it possible to do this healthily? If so would would i need to be doing?
(how many calories would i need to eat, how much would i need to run e.c.t)

回答 (3)

2015-09-16 11:43 am
If you think that this is too good to be true, think again. This Weight loss green store tea is very effective and it has really helped me lose a great deal of weight over the past 3 months!
2015-09-15 2:36 pm
Running sucks because it damages your knees over time, I'd rather cycle, walk or swim. They burn just as much calories. You don't need to focus on how many calories you're eating but rather what you are eating. You need to eat a ton of fresh fruit and vegetables. Stop eating fatty high salt processed foods and also drink a lot of water.
2015-09-15 12:02 pm
Depends on your current weight. If you are like 130 kg, no problem at all. Just eat healthy/fewer calories and exercise some. If you are like 55 kg, no way you are going to lose 10 kg even in 10 years. So if you are like +90 kg, yes. It's possible, otherwise it will probably very, very, very difficult.

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