What would you do (begin to do/think/feel) if you found out that you have cancer?

2015-09-15 12:41 am

Sorry, I meant what would begin to think about according to your life. Would having cancer change who you are? Great answers anyway :).

回答 (6)

2015-09-15 4:18 am
Most of us on this forum already have...
2015-09-15 1:59 am
Having Cancer didn't change who I was...I am still the same person I always was...
參考: Breast Cancer Survivor
2015-10-02 9:36 pm
When I was told that I had kidney cancer, I didn't do anything because I didn't have enough information.

All I was told was "You have kidney cancer" and that was it...
No indication of how big it was or if it was growing.

I just figured that there was no point in going into a panic. Once I was told that it was stage 1 A and treatable with surgery, I was glad that I had not caused myself all of that unnecessary stress.

They chopped out about half of a kidney and there have been no indications of it coming back for the last 15 years or so.

re: Update... Since then, I have given some very serious thought to becoming a monastic (monk in a monastery.)
2015-09-15 1:49 am
You are too busy to think much. I only had a week before surgery (in Canada.)
2015-09-15 12:58 am
My first question to the Dr was "what happens next" then I proceeded to keep the series of specialist appointments set up for me and went through the recommended treatment.

Not really that much different from when I have been given other diagnosis.

Add: It made no difference to how I thought about my life. I was too busy juggling Drs appointments, treatments, working, and raising a teenager as a single mother to worry about anything else.
2015-09-15 12:43 am
I already know, since I have already had cancer. I felt apprehensive, tried not to think much at all, and listened very carefully to what the doctors said about treatment and prognosis.

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