MATH HELP!!!!!?? Algebra grade 10!!?

2015-09-14 10:16 pm
There are A total of 50 chickens and cows if there are 118 legs how many chickens are there?

回答 (2)

2015-09-14 10:30 pm
If all 50 animals were chickens, then there would be 100 legs.

If you swap out a chicken for a cow, you add 2 legs.

In order to have 118 legs, we must swap 9 chickens for cows.

41 chickens (and 9 cows)
2015-09-14 10:19 pm
k+w=50, w=50-k

118=2k+4w, using w from above...





So there are 41 chickens...

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