I can't stop hiccuping?

2015-09-14 3:44 pm
Yesterday, I had hiccups every 30 minutes - an hour after I stopped them -- which was 7 times. An hour ago I woke up and I'm hiccuping again.

So, why can't I stop and what causes hiccups?

回答 (2)

2015-09-14 3:47 pm
There is a thing called chronic hiccups . If the hiccups keep happening, that may be the case. I actually have chronic hiccups and so does my sister. There is no cure for it. With chronic hiccups, it may sound for like a squeak and it may hurt a little bit more than if it was just a regular hiccup. Try breathing in through your nose out through your mouth a couple times and when you do have hick ups try drinking small sips of something to drink
2015-09-14 4:30 pm
You have hiccups because your diaphragm muscles are in spasm.

You have to break the uncontrolled rhythm of your diaphragm and impose your own rhythm until it settles down.

A recent scientific study concluded that there is no foolproof cure for hiccups though it noted that several techniques seem to work for many people, including versions of the one I use... so you might want to try this:

Stay completely calm and in completely in control;
Concentrate on your breathing and resist the urge to hiccup.
Breath out slowly and fully until you can breath out no more;
Inhale slowly until your lungs are full;
Take a tiny sip of water and swallow without allowing yourself to hiccup;
Breath out slowly and steadily again ... and keep repeating this until you feel it has settled down.
It may still feel as though you might hiccup but resist it and it will pass.

Good luck.

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