Which photons are the highest energy?

2015-09-14 3:05 pm
a. [All Hydrogen photons have the same energy]
b. red
c. blue-green
d. violet

回答 (5)

2015-09-14 3:15 pm
In visible spectrum of light, the frequency increases from red to violet. In other words, the frequency of violet light is higher than that of red light or that of blue-green light.

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. Therefore, the violet light has the highest energy.

...... The answer is d.
2015-09-14 4:42 pm
It's d.
2015-09-14 4:34 pm
2015-09-14 3:29 pm
d. violet

That has the highest energy of the options given but there are more energetic photons such as x-ray and gamma ray.
2015-09-14 3:14 pm
For photons:
more energy = shorter wavelength.


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