How can I properly focus on my homework?

2015-09-14 3:54 am
I already asked this but no one answered so I'm just going to copy and paste it.

Hey so I do homeschooling at the moment, going back to school isn't an option at the moment so I really need to do this work. But I just have such trouble finding the motivation to do it. I sit down and really try to concentrate at it, I read the words for a page or so, than I realize I've been daydreaming or just thinking about something else, than I have to go back a page or so, and read it again. I do try to actually concentrate but it I just end up thinking about other things. I really hate the work but I need to do it, I just don't know how. I don't want to blame my problems on anything but I think might have ADD, maybe. I've looked at the symptoms for it and I can defiantly relate to some, but I'm not sure if I actually do have it or not. I have anxiety as well so I don't know if that has anything to do with anything or not.
If you need any clarification for anything just ask and I'll comment on your answer.

回答 (7)

2015-09-14 4:09 am
you may have a mental disorder you may be dyslexic . you need to learn how to study I will give you a pointer in studying for tests and quizzes. Do not read every word Read the first paragraph of a new chapter Read the first sentence there after only. Read the whole last paragraph it will sum up the whole chapter Waal law your are done and have cut time and gotten all the main points.
If you are having a hard time reading black and white print use a piece of yellow plastic ( I used a piece that was made for an over head projector) but don't know if they even exist any more. Try reading through a yellow plastic bag try blue or green if you can find them see if reading is better. When doing math use legal yellow paper it doesn't have the glare of white you might find numbers stay in line and do not jump around.
參考: college study skills class
2015-09-14 4:07 am
I have the exact same problem, except that I'm not homeschooled. I don't know what to do! I feel like if I tell my mom, she'll just tell me to stop making up excuses
2015-09-14 3:58 am
Maybe go to a doctor to actually see if you do have add. I was homeschooled myself. What helped me was a quiet room. I don't if playing soft music on the background will be distracting to you. Make sure you have bright light. Not too much stuff around you to distract you. Good luck! Keep on studying!!!!
2015-09-18 6:44 am
The problem is I don't know where to find hard drugs.
2015-09-15 2:50 am
Give your homework your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION and NOT on your sexlife or penis size like most of these questions I see on this freaking website.
2015-09-14 7:50 am
YOu can't spell "definitely".
2015-09-19 6:26 am
I think you suffer from a highly dangerous case of conservative Christian stupidity boosted by the fact that you were homeschooled and brainwashed. Good luck in your miserable delusional life!

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