I broke my first phone (iPhone 6, silver, 16GB) because it's Touch ID broke after repair and 16GB is too little and cheap?!?

2015-09-13 5:24 pm
I'm a 13 year old female which had her first phone on December 17th 2014. I always hated my effing phone because of its poor capacity! I wanted a 64GB but my family said '16GB is soooo huuuuge!' I accepted it by politeness. And now I threw my Fake friend on the wall of my room and it broke! Everything is backed up so don't worry :) I want to sell my phone for a iPhone 6S rose gold 64GB! Or silver! Please help :( I don't regret breaking it . How much should I sell it for ?
P.S.:I live in Lebanon

Oh and I'm sending it for repair before selling it

回答 (3)

2015-09-13 5:44 pm
Well you knew your family didn't know what they were talking about when it came to device memory.And you didn't accepted anything out of politeness, you got it because you were greedy, and knew that you could break it and get what you wanted later, because your parents always give in to your tantrums.

Why sell it? Just throw it away like you do everything else you are tired of? Unless of course you can find some FOOL, that loves to get your broken hand me down items.

You will not find a reasonable human that will buy your broken phone for more than scrape value to use as parts. So if I were buying it, I would not spend more than $40 to $50 for a none working phone, and that would only be if the screen was intact, so that it could be used on another iPhone 6. No one will care about the color or the memory size. And if the housing was damaged, I'd reduce the parts value to less that $30.
2015-09-13 6:39 pm
Buying a cell phone that's been broken and repaired is like buying a car that was in an accident and repaired. Sure, the obvious damage has been dealt with, but there's certain to be lesser damage that will shorten its life. I'd sell it cheap.

And I'd try really hard not to act like being alive means I deserve a $600 phone and which isn't exactly what I want, I can throw it against the wall and break it. At my house, you would not be getting a replacement but buying your own with money you earned.
2015-09-13 7:09 pm
Well, lets see, it's broken and used... SO you will get literally nothing out of it? Even so, you don't need 64 gb, 32 is good enough for all your teenage needs. If i can survive off of 1gb of storage (then again, i have an external sd card, even so, i only use less than 8gb) you can survive as well. How do i know this, cause i'm not that much older. Either way, the iPhone 6s at about 64gb, will reach around 800 - 900 dollars off contract, and, a broken iPhone 6 won't sell for much, especially since (i guess) a lot of people are addicted to unlocking their phones with their fingerprint, or using Touch ID for security. That's all i can say.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:25:11
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