Why if late do makers of TV shows feel the need to introduce graphicsl sex scenes?

2015-09-13 5:18 pm
Like in Power, Empire and Ray Donovan.
These shows are pretty good without the sex scenes in them.

回答 (3)

2015-09-13 5:30 pm
i agree i would watch games of thrones but the sex scene ruin it for me ( saw a few eps) rest looks pretty good gave up tho becuase of the graphic sex scenes i agree that shows don't need all of that not everybody wants to watch that sort of thing

they reckon sex sells that's why they put it in them
2015-09-13 11:09 pm
I am always dismayed at questions like this. The complainants btich about "graphic" sex, but don't care about people being brutally and violently tortured and murdered.

Adults have sex.

And in TV, sex brings interest and ratings.
2015-09-13 6:41 pm
the reason is that they don't want people to fall asleep mid-episode and sex is the answer for that. i mean, who doesn't like sex? if you feel guilty watching them because of your beliefs or something, well, that's your problem.

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