Just curious Why is Canada so particular about who it let's into the country.?

2015-09-13 5:02 pm
Watching Border Security: Canada'a Front Line

回答 (10)

2015-09-14 2:20 am
Every country has laws about who is or isn't eligible to gain entry, and why. Canada's no different.
If we seem more particular than some, well, we're next door neighbours, trade partners and allies with one of the most disliked nations on the face of the Earth.
That makes us a target for nuts, radicals and militants, such as ISIS.
The US is also the primary source illegal guns and hard drugs smuggled into Canada.
And the US has serious issues with crime, and US criminals escaping American justice often flee here.
So it behooves us to be cautious about just who we do or don't let into Canada.
2015-09-13 6:12 pm
Because it is a TV show.

Canada has tens of millions of visitors each year. Only about 50,000 a year are turned away. The show isn't going to spend hours going through hundreds of people in line which are let in without incident. That isn't good TV. It obviously only focuses on those cases which are "interesting" (i.e. someone gets grilled, denied entry, etc.). I think we can also assume that many of the Canadian Border Service officers are play up to the cameras and they narration of the show itself 'hypes' relatively minor cases since 99% of the job is pretty boring.

Same if you watch COPS you would think every police officer in the US is spending 24/7 in high speed pursuits, guns drawn, etc. Reality is that 90% of officers in the US have never drawn their weapon and spend their days in paperwork, minor traffic stops, patrols with no calls, etc.

Canada does have some serious border laws and it does enforcement. However, so do most western countries.
2015-09-13 5:04 pm
Lol i was watching a bunch of that last weekend. well obviously, they dont want alien plants and animals to cross the border, nor do they want any diseases that may be found in certain meats in different parts of the world. They dont want drugs or guns either. Illegal workers taking jobs of citizens, etc. Simple common sense stuff.
2015-09-15 8:40 pm
The job of the CBSA (the men and women that you see on the TV show) is to protect Canadian citizens. To do this, they apply the laws of Canada to anyone trying to enter the country. Things like what is described below (in layman's terms):

- Do not let a person with a serious criminal record into the country. They've already proven that thye are willing and able to commit crimes where they are from, so we prevent them from doing the same thing in Canada by just not letting them come here in the first place.

- Don't let someone bring in random wild animals and plants. Animals can bring disease to the local pets and farm animals. Imagine we let in a wild bird which has a disease that infects thousands of chickens on a farm.That could put a local farmer out of business. There are several cases where invasive plants (with no way to control their spread) have managed to make it to Canada and killed off local plants and fauna.

- Don't allow someone to bring in foods or drugs that are not approved by the Health Canada. Things like cheese made from unpasteurized milk can contain bacteria that is harmful. There are many experimental drugs that exist in other countries that are dangerous or do not have enough testing to be approved in Canada. So these need to be kept out to protect our society.

- Keep an eye open for illegal items like narcotics, weapons like guns or mace, and products made from banned items, like anything made from an animal on the endangered species list.

All of these things are commonly done in just about every western country. US Customs does the same thing. As does Australia (Have you watched their Border Security show yet?)

If the CBSA was not there looking after us, known criminals could make Canada their home. Guns could come freely into the country, leading to increased crime and gun violence. Local plants and animals could be put at risk from some idiot choosing to import something that kills the local milkweed plant, which in turn kills the Monarch butterfly, and so on and so on.

2015-09-14 2:27 am
Most of what you see on the Border Security TV show actually involves customs, not immigration. That is, they are concerned about what stuff you are bring in, not necessarily who you are. Every country is like that, and the rules are usually for good reasons. For instance, Canada doesn't allow importing meat products from most countries, because there are certain diseases we have eradicated in Canada, but may be accidentally brought in with meat.

As for the immigration part, that too is pretty similar to most other countries. Perhaps the one area we might seem particularly strict on is drunk driving--many Americans think that since it's only a misdemeanor at home it won't be a problem, but in Canada it is considered a much more serious crime with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison, so anyone with such charges must first get a waiver before being allowed into Canada.
2015-09-14 12:47 am
Literally millions want to come to Canada every year. Those are the ones who apply. Many more would sneak in if we didn't stop them. Of the millions, we can afford to accept the best.
2015-09-13 6:26 pm
It's no different than most countries. You just get to see this on TV. Australia has a similar show. They focus on passengers where there's an issue and noit on the millions of passengers that go through without a problem
2015-09-13 6:07 pm
Every country should be particular. We don't want people who will be a problem when the cross into the country.
2015-09-13 5:29 pm
Every country has the same policy.
Remember it's a TV show too so the producers have to include occasions where the CBSA stop, question, fine, detain/deport people. It would make for dull viewing if everyone was just waved through.
2015-09-13 5:03 pm

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