Where do I start in Law & Order ?

2015-09-13 3:57 am
I want to watch Law & Order SVU but I'm not going to watch all the 17 seasons because this is crazy. So which season do you recommend to start with ?

回答 (2)

2015-09-13 11:01 pm
Season 3 is a pretty good place to start. They've worked out the format a bit more, gotten rid of some of the less interesting characters, and the writing picks up. But, you may want to watch the pilot since one of the people from that episodes become important in the more recent seasons.

The season 11 episodes with Sharon Stone are horrible, especially episode 24.

I'm also not a big fan of the Olivia on loan to the FBI episodes. I think Connie Neilsen is one of the most beautiful women in the world and she's fine in these episodes, but the writing is rough.
2015-09-16 2:45 am
Season 1 up to the recent season

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