Consider the equilibrium: H2 + O2 = H2O deltaH = -242kJ?

2015-09-11 5:45 am
What would happen to the equilibrium concentration of each of the substances when the following changes are made?
a) Increase [H2O]
b) Increase in temperature
c) Increasing the volume of the container
d) Increasing the pressure

回答 (1)

2015-09-11 5:57 am
2H₂(g) + O₂ = 2H₂O .. ΔH < 0
What would happen to the equilibrium concentration of each of the substances when the following changes are made?

a) Increase [H₂O]
[H₂] increases, [O₂] increases, [H₂O] decreases
(According to Le Chatelier's principle, the equilibrium position shifts to the left.)

b) Increase in temperature
[H₂] increases, [O₂] increases, [H₂O] decreases
(The backward reaction is endothermic. As high temperature favors endothermic reactions, the equilibrium position shifts to the left.)

c) Increasing the volume of the container
[H₂] increases, [O₂] increases, [H₂O] decreases
(In the equation, there are 3 moles of gaseous molecules on the left and 0 mole or 2 moles on the right. When the volume of the container increases, the total pressure decreases. The equilibrium position shifts to the left in order to increase the number of gaseous molecules.)

d) Increasing the pressure
[H₂] decreases, [O₂] decreases, [H₂O] increases
(In the equation, there are 3 moles of gaseous molecules on the left and 0 mole or 2 moles on the right. When the total pressure decreases, the equilibrium position shifts to the right in order to decrease the number of gaseous molecules.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 00:14:34
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