Hey so I do homeschooling at the moment, going back to school isn't an option at the moment so I really need to do this work. But I just have such trouble finding the motivation to do it. I sit down and really try to concentrate at it, I read the words for a page or so, than I realize I've been daydreaming or just thinking about something else, than I have to go back a page or so, and read it again. I do try to actually concentrate but it I just end up thinking about other things. I really hate the work but I need to do it, I just don't know how. I don't want to blame my problems on anything but I think might have ADD, maybe. I've looked at the symptoms for it and I can defiantly relate to some, but I'm not sure if I actually do have it or not. I have anxiety as well so I don't know if that has anything to do with anything or not.
If you need any clarification for anything just ask and I'll comment on your answer.
Come on can I get a proper answer?