Translate this into spanish. English to spanish?

2015-09-10 10:34 am
1. Who gives you the money for your books? - My father gives it to me
2. Do you see your parents everyday? - Yes, I see them everyday at home
3. Do we give money to the church? - Yes, we give it to her
4. Do you understand well the objects? - Yes, I understand them
5. Do you study your lessons much? - Yes, I study them much

回答 (5)

2015-09-10 1:12 pm
Yep- I agree with the last answer. I learned Spanish by doing it myself, not by asking other people to do it for me.

Estoy de acuerdo con la última respuesta: Aprendí español por hacer mi propia tarea, no por pedirles a otros que me lo hicieron.
2015-09-10 11:40 am
Sure, if you explain what my motivation is to do your homework for you, and give me your teacher's e-mail address so I can send the homework there directly to save time.

Aren't you taking Spanish because you want to, I don't know, learn something? Like Spanish?
2016-12-12 3:16 am
Translate Spanish English
2016-09-28 11:58 am
Translate Spanish To English
2015-09-10 2:26 pm
1.¿Quien le da el dinero por los ibros? Mi padre me lo da.
2 ¿ Ves a los padres cada dia? Sí,los veo cada dia en casa.
3¿ Damos dinero a la iglesia? Sí,la lo damos.
4¿ Entiedes bien los objetos?Sí,yo los entiendo.
5 ¿ Está estudiendo sus lecciones mucho? Sí, yo los estoy estudiendo mucho.
Now don't be lazy and get yourself into gear.

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