Nervous for my first varsity baseball game?

2015-09-10 6:05 am
I am actually a great hitter, but I have one problem. I am scared of pitches. I feel like that one pitch will just come and nail me in my face. Ironically, I am really buff and firm so I am unsure of why I am scared. How can I dodge the pitch quicker. Or how can I not be scared.

回答 (2)

2015-09-11 8:47 pm
Keep your eye on the ball. Determine the rotation of the pitch. If it has a spin that will most likely hit you, depending on which way you bat will determine if the pitches spin could possibly hit you. In reality though, you have to realize, no pitcher wants to hit you. You shouldn't be scared. Practice with a live pitcher more and you will get more comfortable at the plate.
2015-09-10 6:33 pm
I got over my fear at the plate by getting angry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:02:15
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