
2015-09-09 6:55 am
Thanks for your response, as you rightly know, I contacted you in this matter base on the fact that you bear the same surname with my late client and of the same nationality since I had sought for the relatives without success and instead of this fund being confiscated by the Finance Firm as I did mentioned in my proposal or being claimed by some unscrupulous person.Note that all I want from you is to stand as a next of kin and beneficiary to the unclaimed estate of my deceased client.
The next of kinship as stated by the inheritance law, is not limited to relations of the deceased nor is it confided to the circuit of parental relationship, rather it is by choice of the benefactor as regards to whom he wish to will it to (beneficiary) either formally by write up ,or informally by secret information disclosure to beneficiary, be him/ her business partner, relation, kinsmen, friend or well wisher, therefore by virtue of the above stated, I seek consent to present you as the next of kin to my late client since the supposed next of kin also died along with him.
You should note that all the original documents that will be needed in a transaction of this nature ascertaining you as the bonafide beneficiary and next of kin to my late client will duely and legally be obtained and issued in your names and favor. I do not know you but I feel you will be human enough to be honest to me at least for bringing you into a deal capable of fetching something tangible.


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2015-09-09 1:24 pm

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