what does my dream mean?

2015-09-08 10:04 pm
I had a dream that me and my mum were looking through some baby photos of me, then I came across some of me as a baby and another little baby who looked like the boy version of me so I asked my mum who he was and she told me that he was my twin brother (I'm unaware If I actually have any other siblings because I don't know my father) but I asked her where he was and she had told me that her ex boyfriend had killed him, I then remember breaking down and crying in my dream and I could actually feel the loss and pain when I awoke from this dream. Does this dream have a meaning behind it? I'm so confused as to why this boy showed up

And since I've had this dream IVE had this weird connection to this 'dream boy'.

回答 (1)

2015-09-13 1:52 pm
There is nothing significant about such dreams, other than whatever personal meaning you find in it. This isn't what I usually come here to say, but when the only other answer is a website spammer or a non-answer, I take the liberty of saying so without feeling like I'm gainsaying others.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:02:34
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