People are always saying religion and science are opposites but have they learned about sciencetology?

2015-09-08 6:24 pm
Sciencetology, from what I understand, is a mixture of both science and religion.

回答 (15)

2015-09-08 6:33 pm
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scientology isnt science. u obviously know nothing about it and are just assuming since the word science is included in it.

scientology is probably one of the most popular cults out there.

theres a big church right next to east hollywood where i live
i see alot of new recruits dressed up in white looking like zombies. no joke
2015-09-08 6:29 pm
You are insulting Science.....
Scientology is science fiction, of a sort, written by a charlatan.

Ron Hubbard became very wealth from it and now other charlatans perpetuate it.

All religions are hoaxes!
2015-09-08 6:26 pm
That's not what scientology is it all, even though their ads claim otherwise. There is no science in scientology.
2015-09-08 6:26 pm
It's a mix of science fiction and lunacy
2015-09-08 6:41 pm
Science and religion are two different ways of exploring truth. They have always complimented each other and only extremist have issues with this knowledge.
Leave Scientology out of it. They are a spooky cult and their practices have nothing to do with good science or religion.
2015-09-08 6:36 pm
There is zero science in Scientology, other than the science of creating wealth from the foolish.
2015-09-08 6:41 pm
Scientology is not science. It is a false religion. The fact that the founder was a science fiction writer pretty much gives it away.
2015-09-08 6:34 pm
No it's not. Scientology is absurd nonsense and has nothing to do with science---more like Science Fiction.
2015-09-09 10:05 am
Scientology is a mixture of masochism and sadism wrapped up in a packege of deluded lunacy.
2015-09-08 7:40 pm
Because an intergalactic space dictator nuking the earth is science...
2015-09-08 6:59 pm
You seem not to understand much.
2015-09-08 6:50 pm
Scientology is a scam started by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer, as the result of the BET with two other writers.
2015-09-08 6:49 pm
No, Scientology is a mixture of Science FICTION (which Ron L. Hubbard was a writer of) and religion, as him as the High Priest of the new faith.
2015-09-08 6:45 pm
Religion and science are not opposites. I don't know what "sciencetology" is.
2015-09-08 6:39 pm
Scientology is a mixture of bullshit and horseshit.

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