Do you think the band 5 Seconds of Summer is a Boyband or a Band?

2015-09-08 6:05 pm

回答 (14)

2015-09-10 11:16 pm
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Band, but only because they play/have instruments. True boy bands are typically vocals ONLY and have members that are all young males (typically in the teens or early 20s when they start the group). Examples of "real" boy bands would be - Backstreet Boys, *Nsync, 98 Degrees, etc.

A band is NOT a "boy band" just because all the members are male. If that was the case, then Slipknot, Seether, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Children of Bodom, etc. would all be "boy bands" (and they most certainly ARE NOT!).
2015-09-08 11:26 pm
They act like a boy band, look like a boy band, but the definition of boyband usually suggests an all vocal group. However, bands like The Monkees and early Beatles were also called boy bands. I think it's more of an image thing than the music itself.

So yeah, in that sense they are a boy band.
2015-09-08 9:09 pm
Band, but apparently they have dropped caring about them being called a boy band or something like that haha.
2015-09-08 6:19 pm
2015-09-08 9:20 pm
Boyband. Obviously a boyband.
2015-09-09 10:48 am
it is because boyband= just singing
band= singing+instruments
2015-09-08 7:08 pm
band. they play instruments. they don't all just do only vocals.

The Backstreet Boys are a boy band.
2015-09-11 7:52 am
If they claim to be a boyband they're a boyband, if they claim to be a band then they're a band.
2015-09-09 3:19 pm
they play instruments so they are a band tf how are they a boyband just because the are all boys in the band....calling them a boyabnd is like say all time low, acdc, beatles are boyband....There is a difference!!
2015-09-09 2:34 am
2015-09-09 3:37 am
As much as i love them so much, i believe they are both a band and a boyband. They don't like to be called a boyband at all but they really are.
2015-09-09 3:11 am
They're a boyband, but even slipknot could be considered a boyband because its a band consisting of only boys. However, by societies views of a boyband (teenage boys singing for the attention from girls) I would consider them a band.
2015-09-09 12:43 am
2015-09-08 8:11 pm
Actually both. They are all guys who arein a band. So they are both.

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