How much will this cost to repair?

2015-09-07 5:07 pm
This is my 1989 Corvette that got hit from the side while backing out the driveway. I'm not concerned with the spoiler or the rear bumper (Luckily I have a spare that I can put on myself.) But I am concerned about the circled area. Obviously there is some fiber glass work that needs to be done. How much should this cost me? Whats a fair price?

回答 (4)

2015-09-07 5:41 pm
I'm not even going to bother looking at the picture for the same reason that a body shop won't quote you a repair price based solely on a picture.

The reasoning is simple...a picture is 2-dimensional and does not always show the true extent of the damage. It also does not show what, if anything, behind the impact area is broken as well.

Take your car to a local, reputable body shop and have them assess the damage for you. You can take the car to 2 or 3 body shops to give you a good idea of the average repair price.
2015-09-07 8:34 pm

THIS is why we back INTO a driveway or parking-space - which is a controlled environment which we can see the extent of (the length, the width, any obstacles) which leaves us ready to DRIVE OUT into dynamic, rapidly-changing traffic.

That car is toast.
2015-09-07 6:24 pm
Jay P is bang on, pardon the pun, but you may want to focus your search on body shops that have experience or specialize in Corvettes. Most body shops won't touch fiberglass repairs and you'd really want someone with the expertise anyway. The car is nowhere near totaled.
2015-09-07 5:58 pm
That car is totaled.
2015-09-07 5:57 pm
if you got hit(if not your fault, then you don't pay
however, it sounds like you had a failure to yield, which makes it your fault
do you not have full coverage on the car? insurance (yours) will pay if you do

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