I have prediabetes, how can i force that to become diabetes?

2015-09-07 4:54 pm
No one takes prediabetes seriously. I cant make anyone in my life understand how sick i am. I have every stupid symptom of diabetes but the doctors all say I'm only prediabetic. The doctors wont do a thing about my symptoms.

I need to know the quickest way to get diabetes so people will actually help me. Because i suspect it will take an insulin shot to the *** for anyone to actually care that I'm really sick.

Should i like switch to an all doughnut diet?

I cant do anything about it. I lost 60 pounds (from starving myself) and none of the symptoms went away. My vision still blurs, i still cant feel my feet, and a whole list of other problems.

回答 (12)

2015-09-08 11:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get a new doctor. And a psychiatrist. Pre-diabetic people do not have foot problems or vision problems. Those things occur far into the breakdown of the body after many years of ignoring HIGH blood sugars.

Your problems are now being caused by your massive weight loss. Eat healthy and exercise. <Not a cure-all, but it will help.
參考: 20 years diabetic, and still have my feet and eyes.
2015-09-07 10:03 pm
Pre diabetes is a warning sign to change diet and do exercise to prevent diabetes but if you just stick to the diet you are on then within he next few months you will be type 2 diabetic but you wont need insulin, you will take medication after a heathy breakfast and heathy eveing meal, no more junk food, alcohol or special treats but it is not a sickness or illness it is a condition you have to live with and if you dont stick to healthy diet and exercise you could lose a leg and eventually your eyesight and die at a young age, is this the life you want? I have bee diabetic for around 5 years and dont take insulin but take medication but now i wish I had listened tothe doctor when I was pre diabetic and still had the chance to prevent type 2 diabetes, Good Luck
2015-09-07 5:29 pm
Do you realise [realize, if you prefer the American spelling] just how stupid you sound?

The reason no-one "takes prediabetes seriously", in your silly estimation, is because you're still at the stage that YOU can do something about it.
2015-09-07 4:58 pm
Dude what the **** are you talking about stop. I've been diabetic for 19 year now, before I could remember and reading this question almost made me grind my teeth to dust.

DONT MAKE YOUR DIABETES WORSE GODDAMN IT CUT THAT **** OUT. Prediabetes has a. Chance to go into remission. That's awesome, you don't want diabetes.

If nobody is taking you that seriously its because mismanagement of diabetes is the only reason you'll be super sick. Injecting insulin in to you now could flat out kill you if your body is still producing it.
2016-12-24 1:39 pm
參考: Help to Solve Diabete http://givitry.info/ReverseDiabetesNaturally
2016-09-18 10:41 pm
參考: I Cured My Diabetes : http://DiabetesGoFar.com/?UXvm
2016-01-22 1:28 am
Many common natural remedies are claimed to have blood sugar lowering properties that make them useful for people with or at high risk of diabetes. Learn here https://tr.im/diabetestreatment

A number of clinical studies have been carried out in recent years that show potential links between herbal therapies and improved blood glucose control, which has led to an increase in people with diabetes using these more 'natural' ingredients to help manage their condition.
2015-09-08 7:06 pm
Hey, if no one else will take your condition seriously who cares??? You can take it serious and rev up and do something for yourself. In this life, no one else is ever going to care about you like you care about yourself, ever. The doctors have hundreds of patients--my doctor always has to ask me why I'm there because has so many patients she sees one after another and she knows I am on the ball as to my own treatment (and I'll pester her until I get answers I understand and can use). YOU should research how to get control over your own body, over your prediabetes to make all those symptoms go away. Learn how to eat and what to eat to lower your blood glucose levels. Go buy a glucose meter, pricking device, test strips for your meter (test strips are not interchangeable for all meters) and keep track of your own blood glucose levels (test yourself first when you wake up before eating or drinking anything, test 2 hours after breakfast, test right before eating lunch, test again 2 hours after lunch, test before eating dinner, test again 2 hours after dinner, and test one more time before you go to bed. Write all those numbers down so you can see any patterns (like, your levels are always highest after meals, or highest first thing in the morning, etc.)). Make sure you are eating the best you can--do not skip meals, eat only a very little starchy carbs like bread, cereals, rice, pasta/macaroni, potatoes, corn. You can eat as much meat as you want but try to avoid processed meats (canned meats, sausages/salami which have a lot of additives). Eat lots of healthy vegetables but eat a variety of them. Have one fruit a day. And cut out the sweets, pastries, soft drinks, all those things with sugars, have those only for special occasions. Drink lots of water. And get 30-60 mins of exercise every day. Get enough sleep every night. Just because no one else wants to take you seriously doesn't mean you can't do for yourself--you really don't need anyone else to do anything for you, you aren't helpless so do for yourself. Take control of your own self, what you put into your body. Maybe you, all by yourself, can get rid of your symptoms by changing what you eat, how much you eat, getting exercise, etc.
2015-09-07 6:34 pm
Ignore the "symptoms" and eat as you please and quit your exercise program!!

But why do you want to take pills? that is the first step after diet and exercise to treating diabetes type 2!!

I am sure the doctor said to eat either ADA diet and double your exercise regime or eat low carb diet and double your execise regime!! They mostly say tho, to "watch the sugar".

AND YOU ARE NOT SICK!!! In your mind you may be, but you actually are NOT SICK!!!

the treatment after diet and exercise is Metformin which doesn't actually lower the glucose level, it just makes the insulin work better for a few years. Its side effects are worse than you are sick right now!! There are NO treatments for the symptoms!! You just have to live with them!!

I use the South Beach phase 2 diet as basis on keeping glucose in proper range! I was a healthy ranch hand doing a lot of heavy lifting and fence building!
2015-09-07 5:51 pm
I was very ill due to impaired glucose tolerance and severe insulin resistance and I've always had normal fasting blood glucose. I have reversed both conditions and I am very happy about that! Impaired glucose intolerance was so unbearable that eating anything caused such severe fatigue that I would stagger to bed fully clothed and wake up 15 hours later.

I stopping all added sugar (caused my insulin resistance) and got my thyroid levels back to normal (hyperthyroidism worsened my insulin resistance and caused impaired glucose tolerance). You have your goals all wrong. It's not about what others think. It's about your own health.

Reverse Insulin Resistance in 4 Easy Steps:

Pills or Paleo? Preventing and Reversing Type 2 Diabetes:

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