
2015-09-07 11:59 am

回答 (4)

2015-09-13 10:46 am
2015-09-08 2:41 am
若有他人得知 仍可以告發

只是相關狀況 會怎麼認定 不是板大文中敘述 就可判斷的

有可能 相關案件 因為被害者的因素 而不起訴處分

所以 被告 與起訴 與判刑 不是等號

X是否被告 要看有無他人知道 這在板大文中無法判斷
2015-09-08 2:55 pm
參考: 房佑璟律師
2015-09-07 2:25 pm
意圖謀殺刺被害人致命一刀!此即殺人未以致死之殺人罪,而非一般所謂殺人未遂罪,殺人及致死罪與殺人未遂罪,相關刑責可謂甚距差遠,豈可同日而語?…;況 法定未遂:顯其能力即其意圖而為不法 僅未達成,所犯未遂之罪,而人已實際被殺 僅未致死,何來未遂之說??要非!以此邏輯,那搶奪及竊盜未獲全數下,豈不成為搶劫亦或竊盜未遂了…荒唐。
以上被害人若未提告 有罪嗎?
過路人淺見 略供參考 祝 愉快
2015-09-07 2:17 pm
The answer is still yes.

The prosecution will usually consult with the victim before prosecuting the suspect (as the prosecution will need the victim's testimony to convict the suspect). However, since attempted murder is a crime that can endanger public safety, the prosecution will go ahead with the prosecution if the prosecution has enough evidence, regardless if the victim cooperate or not.

Remember - the prosecution does not need to charge the suspect with attempted murder. The prosecution can, and in fact, will charge to a lesser offense to secure the conviction.

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