Should we drive or ride a bus to New York City?

2015-09-07 5:47 am

回答 (4)

2015-09-07 3:50 pm
There are hotels in Manhattan with free parking for guests. There's a reasonably priced one on West 42 Street. (About $250/night). If you can make reservations in one of those hotels, why not drive?

Heads up: do not even attempt actually to drive in Manhattan except to go to and leave your hotel.
2015-09-07 6:17 am
It is never smart to drive in to NYC your first few times there, take a bus or even better take the train in from a near by train station.
2015-09-07 5:52 am
Ride a bus
2015-09-07 5:51 am
we should ride a bus. New York is famous for the traffic jam. Many people is afraid of visiting NewYork because of traffic.

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