Can I call the police on my father.?

2015-09-07 5:41 am
So to give you background information me and my dad are very diffrent people. So Im 18 and a Firm weed supporter,. My dad is not. I came home high witch I admit wasnt smart. So he knew I was high so I just came clean no reason to drag it out. We started talking and he got really angry and started raising his voice in a threatening manor and said he used to beat the crap out of people like me. Then he said 'I should slam you to the ground and beat the crap outta you.' he used to mentally abuse me and sometimes beat me. I dont honestly feel safe. When would be the appropriate time to call the police. If he hits me or if he threatens to kill me or any other situation?

This happend yesterday btw

回答 (6)

2015-09-07 8:03 pm
You're old enough to move out.. so move and cut contact with him for awhile..
2015-09-07 5:45 am
I'm a weed smoker, weed also makes you paranoid. Don't do anything, just relax and move out as soon as you can. Honestly, if you are living in his house, you have to live by his rules, don't come home high, that's just ****** rude.
2015-09-07 5:43 am
Call the police and turn yourself in. It's understandable that your father is upset at having wasted most of his life raising someone who turned out to be a worthless drug user. That kind of realization can destroy someone. Turn yourself in, do your time, and hopefully get help in the penal system.
2015-09-07 6:53 pm
i would just leave, that way he dont have a chance to hit you
2015-09-07 6:31 am
If he threatens you, call them. But dont do it high dude, that'll just cause problems for you too.
2015-09-07 5:47 am
Seriously my brother is you and my stepdad is your dad. My brother is a conniving little pu**y who thinks he can do whatever he wants and bring drugs into the house and he manipulates everyone and has little 3 year old fits and he's 17. He backtalks my parents and is like a terrorist in the house. I hate him. Just respect your dads wishes if you love him. He pays for the roof over your head, just respect him enough to do him a favor and not come home stoned. Simple. Stop being a little bi*** and don't call the cops on your father.

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