Is it ok for my dog to sleep downstairs at night?

2015-09-07 5:25 am
My dog is 7 months old, I have had her for 5 months and she has been sleeping in my bedroom in her crate. Recently she has not been letting me sleep (moving around and up and down all night ). I would like to add she gets plenty of exercise! My parents suggested I put her downstairs in the family room . I just feel so awful putting her downstairs at night. Do you think she will be ok? She is not ready to be left out of the crate yet . Thank you for your answers.

回答 (8)

2015-09-07 12:27 pm
She'll be fine after the initial adjustment period, which may take a bit longer. Had you begun it there you wouldn't have to adjust to any re-adjustment period.

That's one reason I never subscribed to the idea of bringing a pup into the bedroom.

All mine, started out in crates on the porch (enclosed/heated) and that's still where they sleep now (at night) in their own beds no longer in crates.
2015-09-07 8:35 am
Of course its alright.
If she is used to sleeping in her crate she should be fine even though its in another room. Try it and see is the best move.
She may whine a bit the first couple of nights but just ignore her and she should soon settle.
2015-09-07 8:21 am
Try it and see what happens. She may well complain but she may not. Just don't leave her to become hysterical in her crate!
2015-09-07 7:20 am
All of my dogs slept out of my bedroom while being crate trained. Even now many years later they will sometimes choose to sleep in other rooms of my house on their own rather than in my bedroom. My youngest dog whined for a few nights at first but he got used to not being in the bedroom (his previous owner had him in the bedroom).
2015-09-07 5:45 am
Yes she'll be fine. All 4 of my dogs have always slept downstairs. Never done them any harm. My youngest dog will sometimes sleep in my parents room, since she can jump the gate at the bottom of the stairs
2015-09-07 6:19 am
It is a natural part of being in a pack for the lower ranking members (your dog) to sleep outside the bedrooms of the highest ranking members. This will get you sleep and help your dog become more obedient and submissive. She may make a fuss the first few nights but it should turn out okay.
2015-09-07 6:57 am
She probably hates being in a crate. She also would get scared and probably bark or howl at night if left alone downstairs. My dogs sleep in my room, without a crate, either in my bed with me or on their dog pillows. If pottying is an issue...potty train...put some puppy pads in room just in case and make sure she goes potty before bed. I have never used crates and never will. I find that that cruel. My dogs are family....and I would never consider putting family in cages.
2015-09-07 5:50 am
Sometimes it's a good idea to move them out of your room because some dogs can actually get anxiety from that. Essentially, it can make the dogs super attached to their owners and make it more stressful and difficult on them when their owners have to leave the house. So, moving your dog downstairs isn't a bad idea at all! Good luck

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