Should i make amends with the voices in my head?(I asked this question before but only one reply)?

2015-09-06 10:07 pm
I suffer from schizophrenia and hear voices. I always get different voices from time to time. They are nice and positive and always ask me to make amends. Im not sure if i should or not. The last voices 8 months ago i made amends with were mean and violent towards me and i felt like i was possessed. I take medication which makes the voices less frequent but they keep calling my name and asking me to consolidate with them. I didn't know what they meant till i looked it up. They say words i never heard but my therapist says i have heard them before. I swear i haven't heard half of the words they say to me! I cant focus on my work because they keep calling my name over and over.As i was typing my college paper couple months ago they added words i didn't know to my paper like sullied,belligerent ect. I got an A on the paper but i am scared how intelligent they are. They say they want to help me but i don't want them to corrupt my mind. They said they will be silent if i make amends but i don't believe them. I feel like my mind is being raped 24/7 i am scared to think of certain things because they judge me all the time. I want to study and focus on my work but it's hard cause they keep asking me. Should i make amends or keep ignoring them?

回答 (2)

2015-09-06 10:21 pm
I have also suffered from schizophrenia, and I never got the chance to take medication. What I did was I tried forcing them out, do not compromise! Try negotiation at first, and if it didn't work out(Probably won't), fight them, let them know you are the one that is in control of the body. It would be a difficult process, and there would be times when you feel like you're going to lose your mind, and there might be times you would act bizarrely because you're fighting with them. It's normal to get angry easily, have depressing thoughts,and anomalies during the period. It would take time, but it will work out. I spent almost an year doing this and have successfully forced most of the voices away. Though occasionally I still heard voices and might act weirdly, it's not that bad anymore. And even if they pop up, force them down, and try to think of something else, never leave your thoughts drift mindlessly.
This is what I have done, hope it works for you too, good luck.
參考: Myself, have multi-mental disorders and physical disabilities.
2015-09-06 11:03 pm
The voices are just parts of you. Think about this. If you call a friend on the phone, you don't have to give your name because your friend will recognize your voice. In other words, our brain stores voices, but schizophrenics have the gift (and drawback) of thinking in stored voices rather than their own voice. The stored voice can make you think that your thoughts are not your own, but actually the thoughts are your own and the voice comes somewhere from memory. If a voice says something that you don't know, such as a word, it just means that the word was picked up by your unconscious, perhaps overhearing a conversation or watching tv. All of us occasionally say or think things and we wonder, "Where did I ever learn that?" It's not uncommon. Ignore the voices except if they are both kind and helpful, then they are harmless. But, if they say mean things or ask you to do things you don't want to do. Just remember those voices are your thoughts. And when those voices are mean, it means you're not being nice to yourself. Be nice to yourself and others always, and that way you will only make amends when you slip up and do something wrong (which we all do on occasion).

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