Is there a religion that worships Lucifer?

2015-09-06 9:02 pm
Perhaps Satanism? I think Satan and Lucifer are different, right?? I personally would have a great deal of respect for an angel that rebels against a genocidal god so I'm looking to join a religion that worships Lucifer.

回答 (17)

2015-09-06 9:21 pm
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Luciferianism - they have a long history which goes back to Zoroastrianism via Manicheism.
There are a number of versions of Luciferianism (for example: ), some of which are atheistic - in their case, Luciferianism is a philosophy rather than a religion, they believe in Lucifer as a metaphor rather than an actual entity. The thing they all have in common is that they see the christian god/church as the enemy of mankind, and Lucifer/Prometheus as mankind's champion.
2015-09-06 9:06 pm
2015-09-06 9:07 pm
Devil worship.

not Satanism...that is the worship of ones self...

Devil worship is what he looks for.
Which is retarded because God and Satan come from the same book.
That's like knowing how the story will end and saying "HEY! Sign me up for the losing team"
2015-09-07 12:11 pm
what I like about LaVey satanism is that it is atheistic but also allows for supernatural beliefs
2015-09-06 9:33 pm
As a Laveyan satanist I don't worship Lucifer or any of its names, its a metaphor for us. We are atheistic in reality.

There are theistic satanists who do worship Lucifer/Satan etc. and there are a lot of different forms of theistic satanism they aren't a nebulous group like other religions. Some have the view that "better to rein in hell than serve in heaven" others see Satan differently to the Christian/Muslim view of him while others see satan as one god of many .
2015-09-06 9:44 pm
he is not real and satanist do not believe in devils
2015-09-06 9:16 pm
Worships as in actually believes in? Not a sane one. Worships as in appreciates and makes use of the symbol of the angel that rebelled, without actually believing that it's true? The Satanic Temple. Which also has a rather endearing habit of proactively enforcing the separation of church and state by basically trolling fundamentalist religious groups that try to cross it. For example, they have built a statue of Baphomet to be placed next to a 10-commandments monument at a state courthouse, and have held a "pink mass" to posthumously turn the mother of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church into a lesbian.
2015-09-06 9:03 pm
not really
2015-09-06 9:12 pm
Satanism. Not all do, but there are some satanists that do and maybe Wicca.
2015-09-06 9:10 pm
Lucifer isn't a demon, he was a king, a mortal king who thought he was more important than God. God fixed him though and makes him wander around eating grass for a while, til finally Nebbuchadnezzar admits that God is at least real.
Satan is obedient to God but he does have a cult, so that may be what you are thinking of.
2015-09-20 3:58 pm
Please study
Satan has been known as Lucifer, EA,Enki, Ptah...through the ages. We are Spiritual Satanists and we work with Gods themselves directly.
I must inform you that, Bible is a hoax.
Satan means Eternal Truth in Sanskrit. Demon means "He who has knowledge"

Satan and other Pagan Gods (Demons) are the highest beings in the Universe. There is no creator-of-all god, but there is a thought-form the enemy created.
2015-09-07 11:32 am
Lucifer and Satan are aspects or parts of a much wider concept or signifier.

That's the cool thing about this representational concept, signifier or archetype, depending on your philosophical background. Basically, what I am saying that they both fit quite nicely under the umbrella of Satanism.

Maybe try looking at LaVey's work and other valuable sources and you will begin to see how each aspect informs your life and possible approach to... etc.
2015-09-06 10:28 pm
What the hell, start your own.
2015-09-06 9:54 pm
The word Satan was mistranslated when they were selecting the stories they wanted you to believe and should have been translated to mean "challenger" and not some evil deity. Lucifer has another meaning as well and means "carrier of the light" or "illuminated one" and again does not mean anything evil in reality. All religions use these and other stories to mean something different so it advances their cause and should be taken with a grain of salt, as the saying goes. I personally don't believe any god claim is justified because when you critically examine them they have obvious flaws and fabrications that are not supported by reality. Hope this helps.
2015-09-06 11:59 pm
Lucifer, Be'elzebub, Ba'al, and Satan are different names for the SAME being.

But why someone respect a loser is beyond me.
2015-09-06 9:11 pm
Luciferianism, they seem like nice people, are very tolerant, but will scam the crap out of you and then tell you that you should pull your boot straps up and you never even know that it was them that scammed you.
2015-09-06 9:14 pm
In some translations the Latin Vulgate term “Lucifer” is retained as a name for Satan. It is, however, merely the translation of the Hebrew word heh·lel′, “shining one.” Heh·lel′ is not a name or a title but, rather, a term describing the boastful position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings of the line of Nebuchadnezzar. (Isa 14:4-21)

The true God, Jehovah, is not a a genocidal god. He never destroyed a righteous person.
If your yard where your children played was filled with poisonous snakes, would you kill all the snakes?

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