September 15-28, 2015...what's going on exactly?

2015-09-06 4:10 am
all the events are unbelievable in how much they coincide with bible prophecy all within that time frame

im not saying the world WILL end...inky the lord knows that, however he did leave us signs that hint when the time is near, alot of these signs occur within Sept. 15-28, 2015. not trying to sound like some scared lunatic doomsday monger...but do your own research


not "inky"...only

回答 (15)

2015-09-06 4:47 am
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Many different faiths, have many different beliefs.The only truth is found in the bible.
Matthew 25:13 Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour.
2 Timothy 3:1 -5 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away). Hope this helps.
These are quoted scriptures. Find more information on
2015-09-06 4:22 am
i don't know, you don't know, they don't know, in fact, the only one who knows is God. And all we can do is strive to be holy and loving and just.
2015-09-06 4:13 am
I'll bet you a doughnut, absolutely nothing happens. When it doesn't, all of these apocalyptic preachers will come up with a new date for the end of the world.
2015-09-06 4:12 am
You mean that have happened every year for decades but now you pay attention because your other end time predictions failed?
2015-09-06 5:15 am
Possibly something significant will happen to Israel within the next year or so. Sept 28th is the 4th Blood Moon (Tetrad) falling on one of the Lord's Feasts, this time the Feast of Tabernacles. Previous Tetrads have always been a sign for something significant to Israel.

This time, who knows. No one knows exact time or hour or what. Lots of speculation out there.
2015-09-06 5:11 am
God loves humanity. Love humanity and do what God guides you to accomplish for the benefit of humanity. Don't be a doomsday monger.
2015-09-06 4:13 am
-September 15-28, 2015...what's going on exactly?
Same **** as always. People like you are going to feel like idiots when it's September 29.

-all the events are unbelievable in how much they coincide with bible prophecy all within that time frame
Will the world be united under one currency? Will there be one ruler? If no then don't count on it happening.
2015-09-06 4:13 am
Uh, yeah, and someone is predicting the end times every day since there have been times. They are batting zero. So are you.
2015-09-06 4:19 am
Nothing Joshua - Absolutely nothing.

What Bible prophecy do you refer to ????

2016-12-24 4:11 pm
參考: When Will Earth End?
2015-09-07 2:13 pm
Now it's the 15-28th??? I thought it was just the 15th, is that changing now??
2015-09-06 8:42 am
If you believe the world will end on that day, can I have your stuff?
2015-09-06 4:15 am
What events?
2015-09-06 4:14 am
Look up "statistical clustering"
2015-09-06 4:16 am
September 15-28, 2015...what's going on exactly?

Statue of Liberty one step forward.

Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov didn't give a date.

So, possible, no?

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