Do u agree with the Iranian nuclear deal If not why?

2015-09-06 3:05 am

回答 (15)

2015-09-06 3:07 am
No one in their right mind would agree with this deal. No deal is better than a bad deal.
2015-09-06 3:07 am
No, giving our enemies nuclear weapons is a terrible idea.
2015-09-06 3:06 am
Yes, I think is it the best that the 6 nations could do.
2015-09-06 3:14 am
NO there's NO WAY EVER the world can trust Iran.
2015-09-06 3:07 am
No, I do not agree with giving a state sponsor of terror access to nukes and billions of dollars in return for doing nothing.
2015-09-06 3:48 am
Yes I do, because according to NPT that Iran signed, they have all the right to develop nuclear energy with pacific means and no one can remove that from them. I read all the stupid people here telling that they are giving then nuclear weapons, how stupid can they be? No one is giving them weapons and by the NPT, they can't develop weapons. Eveything is controlled. Besides, is not a US decision only, also the UE is in. Besides, Americans have to stop thinking that they can make worldwide decisions to their will. They haven't even read what was accorded but they just talk trash about nuclear weapon without investigating. So, yes, I do agree, because Iran has all the right to develop nuclear energy, even if stupid cons do not agree.

The complete supply chain of Iran’s nuclear complex will be subject to inspection by international monitors. This covers a spectrum ranging from facilities that enrich uranium to the uranium mines, the plants that produce centrifuge machinery and its storage facilities.Iran has agreed to implement and ratify the Additional Protocol of the IAEA, which grants inspectors access to declared and undeclared sites.

People here just talking trash because of their ignorance.

Besides, cons may not understand this because the only think they want is war and violence, but the best way to avoid Iran to get nuclear weapons, is workig with them as a friends, not as an enemy.
2015-09-06 3:28 am
No. The US has had "fake" sanctions on Iran for decades. Then, a few years ago, a bi-partisan agreement in congress (Obama opposed it but decide not to veto it) toughened those sanctions and Europe joined in. In a very short space of time, Iran screamed "Uncle" and was at the bargaining table seriously for the first time ever.

Obama had a historic opportunity and dropped the ball entirely. Despite warnings from both parties that the deal needed to be rock solid on verification and snap-back sanctions, it instead is a loophole-ridden piece of garbage. This is why many Democrats have come out publicly against it, despite it putting them against their own President.

If you only read the rough outline of the deal, it sounds good. IAEA inspections, they'll have to stop enrichment beyond civilian grade, and so forth. But if you read the annexes and side deals, you quickly learn that in reality, the IAEA will only search a handful of famous sites, and will have to ask permission (which Iran can deny) if they want to search any others....but they won't ask permission because the IAEA had a side deal which we now know the Obama administration knew about (it initially claimed it did not) wherein the IAEA will let Iran use it's OWN INSPECTORS at any controversial sites operated by the military. Yeah...the deal has Iran inspecting itself.

This deal gives Iran everything it economic sanctions, an end to conventional weapons sanctions, and an end to ballistic missile sanctions, while creating a facade of compliance so laughable that it is basically the same as approving a nuclear Iran. It's like when you were a kid and saw a cartoon with Bugs Bunny dressed up as a woman, and were flabbergasted that Elmer Fudd fell for it. That's what it feels like to watch Obama fall for the idea that this deal has ANY validity.

Democrats in congress know the deal sucks. Israel knows the deal sucks. Saudi Arabia knows the deal sucks. Egypt and Jordan know the deal sucks. Multiple mid-east foreign ministers have already admitted their governments are now looking into nuclear programs because they know the US doesn't care if Iran becomes nuclear. So Obama, who claims to be a great ANTI-proliferation president, has in fact triggered a middle-east nuclear arms race. And done so knowingly because these foreign minister's comments were public.

Now, Obama has attempted to use a Jedi-mind trick on us by presenting a false choice. I call it a Jedi-mind trick because it can only work on the feeble-minded. Obama has claimed that anyone who opposes or criticizes the deal is arguing for war. This is, of course, preposterous since the most likely outcome of opposing the deal is to continue the sanctions regime.

Obama has attempted sabotaged this regime by submitting the deal to the UN before congress. He knows that if the UN approves, the Europeans will eagerly be sending business to Iran, and will be less willing to continue the sanctions. But that's a CHOICE Obama has made. It was never inevitable. And it still isn't. A little diplomacy could get them back on board. But of course, Obama wants the deal for his legacy. He can't wait another 5 years for the sanctions to make Iran make serious concessions. He'll be out of office and won't be able to take credit.

Unfortunately, it's a game of chicken he's already won. He got enough Democrats to stay loyal to protect the deal. At least under continued sanctions, Iran would have a harder time spreading their power and influence over the rest of the middle east, or buying ballistic missiles to carry their future warheads.
2015-09-06 3:11 am
Yes, What is in store for US/Israeli relations once the non nuclear deal is signed and verified is that the US (and other nations) for once in relations in regarding Iran gets to determine what they are doing in terms of nuclear disarmament. Second it gives Israel the explicit understanding that the US determines when , where and who is our enemy not them, call it tough love. Third it lets Israel know the US in not interested in open ended war like situations which Israel seems to enjoy and benefit from. Fourth the US gives Israel a chance to determine if they want to be peaceful or not.
2015-09-06 3:08 am
I agree with a humanitarian end to sanctions that end the misery for 80 million people.
2015-09-06 3:11 am
It's far Better than Nothing. So I'm all For it. :)
2015-10-06 2:40 am
Even the Zionist of Israel fully disagree at first but now twisted their tongues to accept that deal.
2015-09-06 3:32 am
No. We can't trust them to honour their side of the deal. Obama said that the deal is built on verification, but there's nothing to stop them from building other facilities that they keep hidden from the inspectors.
2015-09-06 3:08 am
Perhaps. I will have to talk with my advisors and will get back to you.
2015-09-06 3:18 am
No I do not. It is one thing for a peaceful and sane nation to have such capability. Quite another for a terrorist and insane nation.

and Kerry has already proven over and over again that what ever he says is definitely true--is in fact definitely a LIE. If he says Black will win? You'd best bet Red will win. It's where his bets are placed. The roulette wheel rigged.
2015-09-06 3:09 am
Yes! I am not a racist!

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