Should you be allowed to use your government job to force people to practice your religion!?

2015-09-05 8:54 pm
Before you answer, conservative Christians, half of you believe our president is a Muslim.

回答 (8)

2015-09-05 9:01 pm
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No, sling 'em in the pokey.
2015-09-05 9:00 pm
No, because freedom of religion, is also freedom from religion.
2015-09-05 8:55 pm
Obviously, I mean gods law applies to atheists too, ya know.
2015-09-05 9:46 pm
No, not even close to half of ANY group believe Obama is Muslim. That said, the Court Clerk in Kentucky DID NOT attempt to force ANYONE to practice ANY religion. She refused to participate in a practice that violates her beliefs. If you can't understand the VAST difference, you are not mature enough to be online.
2015-09-05 9:25 pm
Of course not, and no one does.
2015-09-05 9:15 pm
Should you be allowed to use your government job to force people to practice you social or political beliefs?

Odd that you had NO trouble with that in light of recent revelations.
Yet suddenly you are concerned about it?

Seems a little hypocritical to me.
2015-09-05 9:10 pm
That is actually my only problem with the nutjob in Kentucky, she is an elected official of the State Of Kentucky, her rights do not include judging anyone.
2015-09-05 8:55 pm
do i get to answer yet

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