ps4 or xbox one?

2015-09-05 1:07 pm

回答 (24)

2015-09-05 1:12 pm
Depends on what exclusives you prefer (as cross platform games won't be any different). What console controller you prefer and what your friends are playing on.
2015-09-05 9:29 pm
2015-09-05 1:10 pm
2015-09-05 3:45 pm
whichever one you think is worth $400 since you're the one spending it
2015-09-05 1:08 pm
Depends what your friends have. Gaming is always better with friends.

For me it's PS4 though, gaming is much better on it IMO.
2015-11-09 10:09 am
2015-09-09 9:08 am
2015-09-08 5:45 am
Both are good for different reasons. Graphics are pretty much on par, both have their own unique exclusives. Both play same 3rd party games. That's about it. Nough said.
2015-09-08 3:50 am
Im normally an Xbox guy but Sony really stepped it up with the ps4 much better overall than the Xbox one
2015-09-07 4:25 pm
i would say thats a close one i do prefer the xbox one the ps4 is kinda moore like the wiiu but i think you would like xbox one better moore features and its becoming backwards compatable with some 360 games soon
2015-09-07 11:40 am
2015-09-07 8:46 am
2015-09-07 2:56 am
Xbox one
2015-09-06 10:19 pm
their preatty much the same. it just narrows down to what exclusives you prefer and what console your friends are playing on.
2015-09-06 3:29 pm
xbox one.ps4 is region locked
2015-09-06 12:03 pm
Xbox One :)
2015-09-06 9:55 am
2015-09-06 9:07 am
Xbox one
2015-09-06 6:35 am
Out of all id go with PC because of everything you can do with it but if I had to choose It'd be Xbox just cause of the games.
2015-09-06 4:24 am
2015-09-05 11:50 pm
PC of course. You even forgot to write that one as an option.
2015-09-05 1:26 pm
i mever saw both
2015-09-05 2:03 pm
No thank you.
2015-09-05 1:12 pm

I have all 3 generations.

Original Xbox
Xbox 360 (black)

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