How to make a guy see you as a woman, not a girl?

2015-09-04 2:20 am
There's this guy I've liked for years who's a bit older than me and now I'm finally old enough to pursue him without it being inappropriate, he's watched me grow from a kid into a young woman (I'm in my late-ish teens) and I'm afraid he may still see me as a child. How can I make sure he sees me as a lady and not a kid?

回答 (2)

2015-09-04 2:41 am
Guys can't tell the difference. Most GUYS don't even care.
We don't think, like women think.

This maybe very dangerous information for you to have, but
You're a GIRL. You don't have to ASK or SAY anything.
All you really have to do is SHOW UP.
You have the power of SEDUCTION.
This is DANGEROUS for me to tell you, but...
Charm him or Seduce him. Girls have that Gift or Talent.
Seduce does not mean Sex (but it could).

The best Weapon Women have "for" or "against" Men is their BODY. You do not have to be or do anything "slutty" (it helps, but not really necessary). One on One: Just present yourself to him, the best way you can. Guys are just as Insecure as Women. Most Guys are Impressed or Flattered by being approached. It is less work and worry for them of Rejection. As a girl, you have more power than you think.
Just don't be a Bytch with it.
When it backfires, you'll be ALONE again.
Also, it is far easier for a girl to get a YES for a date from a guy,
than it is for a guy to get a YES from a girl for "anything".

Have you ever dressed up to be sexy and attractive to go out to a club or with girlfriends somewhere where you know the opposite sex will be present and be there for girl and guy connections? Did you ever sense that you were being checked out because of your choice of "attire"? You know guys are looking, trying to get a peek at your boobs or maybe a glimpse of your panties? Have you ever positioned yourself so that guys could be teased, but you do it in an innocent kind of way so it's NOT noticed that you enjoy the teasing and attention? You know you drive guys crazy, but due to your success in Looking HOT, you intimidate the opposite sex, so they DON'T approach / "Hit On" you. But you wish they would, because thats why you bought the clothes and paid attention to your looks and actions around guys. DO THAT WITH YOUR GUY/BOY FRIEND. He is still "JUST" a guy and he can still get worked up over you.

The Female Body is the best Weapon Women have in their possession "for" or "against" Guys. We will get "Stupid and do Stupid things" for sex or a chance at a sexy body. Guys do it too, but it's a better weapon for Females. As erections go, No Matter How "BIG" a guy gets, its still the smaller head. And we use it to make all the wrong decisions. Even if we win. Its a wrong decision. Besides peeing and making babies, "wrong decisions" is all its good for. Get the idea??

Stepping up is completely up to you. All the advice and information we give you is worthless if you are too scared to try or to use it. It will ALWAYS be OK to be afraid. It is NOT ok to let your Fears Control You. You're wasting your time, if you are okay with being a "scary cat chicken". What is really going to SUCK for you, is when you see him with someone else and it could have been you.

These are the Easiest and Safest approaches I have found, you're welcome to try them out. Usually works.

FLIRT-- Flirting is just "Paying Special Attention" to a guy so that HE KNOWS, you are paying attention to him, (out of all the other guys or people around him). Even if you blush, he will "know -OR- wonder" if it because of him (so blushing is in your Favor)
He will pay attention to you, even if HE is not sure.
FLIRTING is done from a DISTANCE, in case He is always around people or too far away for you to TALK TO.

First thing you want to do, is get rid of being Nervous
If you want to get rid of "NERVOUSNESS".
Tell the other person you are Nervous.
They will take it as a compliment -OR- admit they are Nervous too.

After you make contact, TALK to him Face to Face. NOT Social Media!!!
Just say: "I'm kinda NERVOUS talking to you, so if I mess up, PLEASE, don't think I'm an idiot… okay? I'm just nervous."

They know what it's like to be Nervous
they will be NICER to you. Plus this gives you a
Your BIGGEST WEAKNESS has lost all of it POWER and

The following is information you will need one day:
(for this Guy or the next)

TO GET A DATE, WITHOUT HAVING TO ASK: Tell him you know someone that wants to go on a date with him. He'll want to know WHO. Take him by the hand to wherever there is a reflection and standing next to him say "Her" (pointing at your reflection) ------ OR

INVITATIONS and ASKING for a Date are the same thing, but an invitation is easier to offer, rather than ask for a date. Writing a note and handing it to him or having someone hand it to him, will be okay.
Most invitations are in WRITTEN FORM. (add ph# so now He has it)

Tell him where you will be on a certain day and at a certain time.
Let him know he is welcome to join you if he has time.

EXAMPLE: "Hi. I'm going to be at the park by the pond on Saturday at 2:30pm. You're welcome to join me if you have time. I will probably be bored, just feeding the ducks".

EXAMPLE: "I'm going for ice cream after school at (location), you can join me if you're not busy. My treat."

It was just an invitation, NO BIG DEAL.

Make wager (bet) with the person you want to spend time with.
Lose that bet to them INTENTIONALLY.
The wager should be something that puts you together alone and
away from everyone you know.
Make the wager something you can afford and non threatening
or too suggestive.
(an ice cream cone, a shake, a coffee, washing a car)

EXAMPLE: "I'll bet you an ICE CREAM SUNDAE, I can say
the alphabet backwards faster than you."
Then LOSE the bet and take him for an ice cream sundae.
(enjoy your Date)

When you have been with him for awhile and are side by side (walking, standing or sitting) gently take his hand and Say: "Can I borrow this for a little bit? I Promise to take care of it and return it in awhile" He will smile and probably be Impressed and Flattered. If he flinches and pulls away, chances are its a REACTION, NOT REJECTION. Smile and give him something of yours as a deposit/collateral and Let him know you want it back when you return him, his hand.

TO GET A QUICK KISS. As long as he is enjoying himself with you. In the middle of a conversation, Smile and say: "Close your eyes, you have something close to them". When he does, Touch your lips to his. Not really a kiss, but it breaks the ice. Then tell him: "Oh, it was just me. You have soft lips, I like that". Keep smiling. Ask him what yours felt like, before he says anything. But keep smiling.

Your biggest FEARS are NOT knowing What to SAY or How to do Something. It's like taking a test. It's NOT so scary, once you know the answers. Driving is NOT so scary, once you're behind the wheel a few times. Same with the Opposite Sex.
Practice and Experience equals, PIECE OF CAKE.

Every BF/GF Relationship that you see, happened because
ONE OF THEM took a chance and spoke up.

If it scares you to take these steps, keep in mind YOU'RE SCARED ANYWAY. Also if some other girl gets his attention,
you'll wish you had done SOMETHING.

These are the ice breakers to test the waters. If he doesn't object to your "advances", lead him to where you want to take him. He may have the same interest you do, but doesn't want to risk the friendship, like you do.

Also... No One FORCED you to become friends, so if this doesn't workout, it is still up to you to stay friends. There is NO RULE that says you can't. That is between you and your friend. If there is a rule… BREAK IT!!
2015-09-04 2:23 am
just talk to him ---- ask him out for a coffee ---- if the guy is the least bit intelligent and mature he already sees you as you are not as a child

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